Transforming Relationships with Care - An Intermediate Weekend workshop based on the principles of NVC

28 Jun 9:00am – 29 Jun 5:00pm 2025 NZST

Naubahar, 64A Shetland Street, Glen Eden, Auckland, New Zealand Map

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In every relationship whether it be with your partner, family member, child, friend or work colleague, there comes a time when a challenging conversation is required.  A chance to honestly express what is important to us and be heard and then to be able to receive the other with empathy, understanding and care.

In this two day workshop you will learn and practice an NVC Framework that will support you to have courageous conversations with those you care about.

In our own 15 year relationship, time and time again we are grateful to have a connecting and caring way to communicate with each other and our children to move through challenges when they arise.

What you will get from this workshop:

Learn and practice a way to use empathy in everyday communication
 Learn in a supportive environment 
 Clear demonstrations
 Support while practicing
 Deeper understanding of honesty – empathy communication

Facilitated by Deb Hipperson and Wayne Prince
 (CNVC Certified NVC Trainers)

Pre-requisit: NVC Foundation Workshop / NVC introduction session. If unsure, please contact us.

 Early bird if paid by 28 May 2025 - $290
 Full price $340.

To confirm your place: Register & make payment to: THE MEDITATING GIRAFFE LTD
 02-0110-0058043-00 BNZ
 Please reference your name & TRWC25

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Prices are in NZD and include GST.

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e.g. dietary (gluten intolerant, vegetarian, etc) or other requirements

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Contact the event organiser